There is many ways to become plural and or get/develop headmates.
There has been non-traumatic ways for a very long while, and the term "endogenic" was just made to use to mean those non-traumatic origins, not to mock those with traumagenic origins, that is a very ignorant misinformation that needs to stop being spread.
Endogenics exist and are valid, in the DSM it states clearly that D.I.D aka Dissociative Identity Disorder, is in fact a dissociative disorder, as its quite literally in the name. Not a trauma one. Sometimes the DSM isn't all that reliable, but that is what is officially recognized as what that disorder is, if you are fakeclaiming endogenic systems because they do not fit the diagnoses you are wrong because they do, what proof do you have that it is a trauma disorder instead? When it is clearly stated to be a dissociative one? And on top of that, not even all endogenics claim to have or do have D.I.D or even OSDD!
There are other forms of plurality, and there is such thing to be plural and not disordered anyways as well.
You can't deny the existence of these systems, they're in the persons head, not yours. You are fakeclaiming, which is extremely harmful. It is more harmful, to fake claim those who could be a real system, then helpful to fakeclaim those who could be a fake system, and everytime you say endos are not real you are fakeclaiming an entire community of people. So stop saying you are against fake claiming when you do that openly!
Plus, lots of people's issue is being closed-minded, and too skeptical. If someone says they are experiencing something that you haven't heard of before, don't understand, haven't experienced it yourself, etc. Doesn't mean it isn't possible or real and it certainly doesn't mean the person is a liar! Again, more harmful to assume they are lying when they could be telling the truth than assume they're lying and be right. It is their experience, and it doesn't even harm anyone for them to experience what they are. They are going through and experiencing something and feeling a certain way, they tell you and you just simply refuse to believe they are experiencing what they are, and that is mentally damaging, and can result in them being gaslit by your forcing of D.I.D and OSDD or trauma origins being the only true way to be plural and or get headmates.Definition of Gaslighting: manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanityAnd if you after all this refuse to listen and just say "well its my opinion and we're all entitled to our own opinions!" shares the same energy as people who say that about transgender people for example plus more things like that and it is so insanely harmful.
Because you are just claiming they don't exist when they are existing, right there in front of you, you just refuse to believe them or what they're experiencing, and it's miserable.
Endogenics being real, or non-disordered plurality being real isn't an opinion... it's just real.
Endogenics literally cause you no harm, they're just trying to exist, and more often than not we see traumagenic systems, anti-endos to be specific attack and invade THEIR spaces, endo spaces and for what?? Because of your "opinion"?? . Your "opinion" is not only factually incorrect, but incorrect or not it is still insanely harmful, your "opinion" that endogenics arent real, your active fakeclaiming is insanely harmful, and it hurts people who don't deserve to be hurt.Endogenics and non-disordered plural people, aren't endogenic or non-disordered for any sort of malicious reasons. They aren't out to attack or spread misinformation about D.I.D or OSDD. They are just trying to exist, feeling how they feel and being who they are, and it harms nobody, but fake claiming and attacking them hurts them.And you can't just insist it is a trauma disorder when in the DSM itself says its not. Why do you think that? Who are you to know or say that D.I.D is strictly and specifically a trauma disorder, when clearly plurality with non-trauma origins have existed for ages, plurality that is D.I.D, OSDD or not, its always existed and have been created without trauma.
Just also remember, not all systems/plural folk are even disordered.
This isn't only ever a medical thing, let alone a problem.Another argument some like to use is to say science isn't on endogenics or non-disordered plurality's side, that science states that endogenics aren't real."In TToSD science says it isn't real." For example, or not citing anything just saying science doesn't support it.Now let's see, firstly, this is incredibly underresearched and therefore professionals are bound to disagree on this, nothing can be for sure when it is so underresearched, don't act or pretend there aren't others who disagree with them, you can't just pretend they don't exist and then suddenly it's true or right.
Also citing one theory that was created mostly by someone who has lost their license to practice and is full of contradictions isn't scientific reasoning!
Remember science is always changing, and science can't always prove everything. People, feelings, plurality, the brain, etc are all so complex and complicated really but science is always changing. You cannot cite this one scientific theory that is also just so contradictory that it's the reason many professionals do not even believe in D.I.D.Either anti-endos fake claim them and say they're not real, and or some may force diagnoses on them like D.I.D or OSDD or try and tell them they must have trauma they don't remember if they're actually a real system, it's actually pretty sickening. Stop forcing that on them, if they say they're plural, you can't fact-check them on that, how could you? And don't force diagnoses on people, and don't try and tell them they have trauma when they say they don't. If they did they'd know and if they do have trauma and say they don't they may not even be ready to face it so keep your mouth shut. In general, anti-endos fake claiming just never should've been a thing done, it was never even anti-endo people's place to do so. It's beyond out of line and clearly only ever severely harmful!